Harry Potter and the deadly hallows Spoilers!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter and the deadly hallows spoilers!

Harry doesn't die

Snape dies on page 658, his last words are "Look...at...me..."

Dobby dies on page 476, his last words are "Harry...Potter..."

Moody dies sometime before page 78, you hear of his death from Bill and Fleur

Collin Creevy dies sometime before page 694, Harry finds Neville is carrying his dead body

The sorting hat dies on page 732, Voldemort lights it on fire

Fred dies

Tonks dies

Lupin dies

Neville kills Nagini

So, here's a theory... In book 7, there is going to be a character who is a "late bloomer" and does magic late in life. I think that will be Dudley. I think his worst memory was that he did something magical when he was little, probably like Harry did all the time accidentally, and his parents punished him for doing it. They "squashed" the magic out of him maybe. That could also be why Dumbledore said they had inflicted so much damage on Dudley.

Snape was Dumbledore's spy all along.

Voldemort dies on page 744

Harry's scar goes away

Harry Marries Ginny and has three kids named Lily, Albus Sirius, and James

Ron Marries Hermione and has two kids, Hugo and Rose

Neville becomes professor of Herbology

Malfoy gets married and has a son named Scorpius


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